"It's really dark, guys", Susan spoke first.
"Well this is odd", Edmund followed.
"No, really?"
"Hey now. There's no need to be moody about it. I was simply stating a fact"
Peter rolled his eyes in the dark, "I'm not moody"
Susan had had enough. "Guys, it's bad enough to argue, but do you have to do it now? Of all places?"
Peter and Edmund looked at each other. "Yes", they each said with identical smirks. Susan gave them the I'm-going-to-slap-you look.
"Maybe there's somebody up on deck. Let's go check", Susan started up the steps. Edmund and Peter quickly followed suit. The three of them popped into the sunlight on deck.
"Susan?” Lucy couldn't believe it. They hadn't been there this entire time, had they? "Edmund? Peter? What are you doing here?"
"I was just about to ask you the same question, Lu" Edmund replied. "Do you know where we are?"
"Haven't the foggiest. You?"
"Nope. What about you, Caspian?"
"No idea."
"The boys might know?"
Peter then decided to start paying attention. The boys? Lucy's on a ship with boys? "Who?"
"Sam and Caine. This is Caine", Lucy gestured to the boy lying down, "and that's Sam" she pointed to the sandy haired boy in the background. “I saved Caine with my cordial”
“Your what?” Caine ungracefully coughed his way into the conversation
“My cordial”, Lucy turned back to regale her siblings of her tale. “He was unconscious in the water when we got here. Caspian got him out, but we thought he was dead”
A look of shock ran across Caine’s face.
“But then I gave him a drop of my cordial and he got better. It took him forever though.” Lucy finished her heroic tale with a smile. Peter turned to Caine, “Do you know where we are?”
“No clue”
He turned to Sam then, “What about you?”
“I’ve never been here before”
“Are you sure?” Caspian asked.
“I think I would know where I was if I knew”
“Sam, that makes no sense.” Caine laughed.
“Shut up”, Sam shot back
“Make me”
“I can and I will and you know it, Caine”
“Aaaahhhh. Save me.” Caine yawned an extra large yawn.
“Um…am I missing something?” Susan whispered to Caspian.
“Twin brothers. They’ve got…..some problems”, Caspian whispered back.
“I see”
After letting the two argue for a moment, Edmund decided to interrupt. “So, where are you two from?” he asked the twins.
“What do you mean? Like, California?”
“No, I mean what world are you from?”
“You mean like, country?” Sam was never good at Geography.
“State? I already said California”
“NO!” Edmund was beginning to get exasperated. “What WORLD are you two from?” Peter piped up, “We’re from Narnia”
“WE” Lucy stepped in. “ARE FROM NARNIA.”
Sam and Caine were equally confused. “WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT” Sam took some time to calm down, “Where’s Narnia?”
“It’s a different world. There is no location.”
“So, you guys have British accents. Is it near the UK?”
Peter sighed, “Are you really that thick? There are other worlds. We were born in Britain, but we move in between there and Narnia”
“So, how do you get to Narnia?” Caine was extremely curious.
“Aslan calls us.”
“Ok, you lost me. Who’s Aslan?”
“He’s a lion.”
“So…you’re called to Narnia by…Aslan the lion?”
“Uh-huh”, Caine made the “crazy” sign by his head.
“Do you have a headache?” Susan asked.
“No, no. I’m fine” Caine didn’t want any of them near him. Except for maybe Lucy.
“Are you sure?”
“Hey, don’t yell at her”, Lucy scolded.
“Sure you are”
“So what world are you from?” Edmund asked again.
Caine thought carefully before answering. He didn’t want to offend the mentally insane people. “We are from Earth”, he said.
“See? Now that’s better. We’re normally from Earth. Except for Caspian. Caspian’s from Narnia.”
“Is that right?”
Sam was getting tired of the ship. Of Caine. Of Caspian and the insane people. What was their world called? Nanrea…or something like that. Whatever. There were more important things to think about. Like food. Food was getting more and more important by the minute. “Hey”, he called. “You wouldn’t happen to have any food on you, would you?”
Everyone checked his and her small belts and pouches.
“I have a couple berries”, Edmund called back.
“What kind?”
“The…blue kind…..I think. They’ve been in my pouch for a while.”
As hungry as he was, that didn’t sound so great, “No thanks, I’m good.”
“Hey Sammy, if we don’t ever get food, can we eat you first?”
“Why don’t we eat you first? You’ve been eating better than me.”
“Hey! No one is going to eat anyone!” Caspian, after a moment of awkwardness, was once again a king.
“Who’s going to keep me from eating him?” Sam asked, and Caine shot him a dirty look.
“Me”, Caspian said. “You are not going to eat him, because I am an excellent fisherman. In a couple of hours we’ll have enough fish for a proper meal.”
“So I don’t get to eat Caine? Oh crabsnackers”, Sam snapped his fingers and looked laughingly at Caine. Caine failed to see the humor, obviously.
“It’s never a good idea to eat the incapacitated, Sam”
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