Friday, 29 April 2011

The Sea Dodecagon of Love - Episode Two (Sam's Version)


I have a brother. A snot-nosed, incapable of anything, brother. So obviously, we argue. A lot. On a daily basis, actually. You see, ever since we got trapped in this...dome, (Sam calls it the "FAYZ", but that's just...stupid) we've been forced to actually speak, to each other. Now, I never knew I had a brother. But to find out that I do, and that he's my TWIN, and that he's, well, HIM, is just...awful. Just plain awful. Last week we argued about my relationship with Diana. Yesterday we argued about the water supply. Today we argued about "joining forces". Yeah, Sammyboy is trying to make peace with me. HA! Not gonna happen. Ever. Especially not after this, which I'm sure is his fault, somehow. Because how can it be my fault? All I did was turn my back on Sam so I wouldn't have to actually act like I'm listening, and then boom. I'm staring into a hull of a ship. A SHIP. IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. Awesome.

 Sam and Caine just stared at each other, wondering where the heck they are, and whose fault this is, and, more prominently, which vital organ they were going to go for first. Caine was going to aim for the lungs, Sam, the gall bladder (he remembered something in school that said something important about a gall bladder injury).
        "Take me back!" Caine broke the silence with 3 simple words.
        "Take me back, Sam" Once again, Caine brought out his acusitory tone, and Sam quickly took to his defense.
        "You seriously think I did this?"
        "How else would we be on this ship?"
        "How do I know YOU didn't do this?"
        "Because I just asked you to take me back. If I did this, I would be able to bring myself back, WHICH I CAN'T SO TAKE ME BACK!!"
        "Wait, you want to go back to the FAYZ?"
        Caine said nothing.
        "The FAYZ is horrible, even you admitted it. Why would you want to go back?"
       "Well, I don't want to stay here. Wherever here is" came Caine's sarcastic, yet true remark.
        "At least we've got water. Fresh air. You want to go back?"
        "Don't you?" Caine snapped.
        Sam thought for a moment. "Not really."
        "Why not?"
        "People are dying, Caine, and I can't help them. Do you honestly think I want to watch that? Do you want to watch people die? To look at you with one last glimmer of hope, and then sheer terror as they realize that you, the one who is supossed to have it all under control, can't help them?" Sam had been talking more to himself than to Caine, but then came back. "Are you that heartless?"
      "No, I just...I-I, I want" Caine, stammering for his thoughts, stopped, and ended with a final order. "Just take me home."
       "I can't."
       "I said, take. Me. HOME", Caine growled, summoning his power, "NOW!" He aimed his force at Sam, hoping to push him overboard, but instead thrusting himself backwards, through the railing. Caine found himself dangling precariously over the water, with the feeling that and invisible hand was surrounding his torso.

Sam looked up, and saw his brother dangling over the water, looking like a fish on a hook, and couldn't help but laugh. It was hilarious. It was obvious to him what had happened. Caine, what with all of his "Take me home" business, had misdirected his power. Instead of pushing Sam to his rather untimely death, Caine had propelled himself, backwards.
       Attempting to stifle his laughter, Sam tried to communicate coherently "Eh heh, ah hah, ha, hey Caine. What's mmph, what's hanging? Ha!" Mission, unsucessful.
      "Oh, shut up, you idiot. Just shoot one of your little happy Sammy light thingys over the water so I can see if I can just drop myself and swim back."
      "They're called Sammy Suns, and why should I?"
      "Because if you don't, when I get back there, WHICH I WILL, I will be very careful not to misdirect this time."
       Sam sighed. Not just any sigh, but the sigh that meant "I really don't want to but I will anyway because I'm the only one with a conscience here" Yeah, that sigh. He brought up his hands, aimed, and fired. He missed the water. But he didn't miss Caine.
     Caine suddenly felt the invisible hand squeeze tighter, but with less effort on his part. The shock of his increase in power made Caine yelp, which was followed by the plop of one very spoiled boy falling into the water below. Someone stopped paying attention to his grip, hmm?

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